This is the place where we can discuss the details about the project "A day in my school" and also share some useful software which can be used in the blog!

Monday, August 31, 2009

New semester ! New beginning!

To any who would like to

So far I have 4 classes. There are about 26~28 students Each of the class.
The follwoing stages are my intercultural learning plan for next three months.

September: Getting to know each other:

In order to make the students familiar with the enviroenment, I hope they introduce themselves during the whole september on the blog "a day at my school." During the process, my students will work together on a self-introduction slideshow. It will take a week to complete it. Of course, your students can do the same things. That will help us to know you more!
I hope at this stage, students can have frequent interaction so Any feedback or questions are welcome!

October-November: Working on your own blog!

When they know the blog environment well, they can set up their own blog. Due to the time limitation, there are only two blogs in each class so that my students won't feel too stressed. It's not easy to set up a blog for my students, especially in English, which is a foreign language to them.
As I mentioned in the previous email, they will figure out what topic they will invite you to discuss.

At last, in December I hope we can exchange Christmas cards as the prefect ending for the intercultural project.

By the way, can you tell me your other email address.
I would like to invite you to coedit the intercultural blogs.

I'll update more information soon

So ...Keep in touch!

Warmest hugs


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